Sunday, November 28, 2010
Analisis Sistem Tenaga Listrik

Saluran Transmisi
Kategori saluran transmisi berdasarkan pemasangan
Berdasarkan pemasangannya, saluran transmisi dibagi menjadi dua kategori, yaitu:
Berdasarkan pemasangannya, saluran transmisi dibagi menjadi dua kategori, yaitu:
- saluran udara (overhead lines); saluran transmisi yang menyalurkan energi listrik melalui kawat-kawat yang digantung pada isolator antar menara atau tiang transmisi. Keuntungan dari saluran transmisi udara adalah lebih murah, mudah dalam perawatan, mudah dalam mengetahui letak gangguan, mudah dalam perbaikan, dan lainnya. Namun juga memiliki kerugian, antara lain: karena berada di ruang terbuka, maka cuaca sangat berpengaruh terhadap keandalannya, dengan kata lain mudah terjadi gangguan, seperti gangguan hubung singkat, gangguan tegangan lebih karena tersambar petir, dan gangguan-gangguan lainnya. Dari segi estetika/keindahan juga kurang, sehingga saluran transmisi bukan pilihan yang ideal untuk suatu saluran transmisi didalam kota.
- saluran kabel tanah (underground cable); saluran transmisi yang menyalurkan energi listrik melalui kabel yang dipendam didalam tanah. Kategori saluran transmisi seperti ini adalah yang favorite untuk pemasangan di dalam kota, karena berada didalam tanah, maka tidak mengganggu keindahan kota dan juga tidak mudah terjadi gangguan akibat kondisi cuaca atau kondisi alam. Namun juga memilik kekurangan. Seperti: mahalnya biaya investasi dan sulitnya menentukan titik gangguan dan perbaikannya.
Kedua cara penyaluran memiliki keuntungan dan kerugian masing-masing.
Klasifikasi Saluran Transmisi Berdasarkan Tegangan
Selama ini ada pemahaman bahwa yang dimaksud transmisi adalah proses penyaluran energi listrik dengan menggunakan tegangan tinggi saja. Bahkan ada yang memahami bahwa transmisi adalah proses penyaluran energi listrik dengan menggunakan tegangan tinggi dan melalui saluran udara (over head line). Namun sebenarnya, transmisi adalah proses penyaluran energi listrik dari satu tempat ke tempat lainnya, yang besaran tegangannya adalah Tegangan Ultra Tinggi (UHV), Tegangan Ekstra Tinggi (EHV), Tegangan Tinggi (HV), Tegangan Menengah (MHV), dan Tegangan Rendah (LV).
Sedangkan Transmisi Tegangan Tinggi, adalah:
Sedangkan Transmisi Tegangan Tinggi, adalah:
- Berfungsi menyalurkan energi listrik dari satu gardu induk ke gardu induk lainnya.
- Terdiri dari konduktor yang direntangkan antara tiang-tiang (tower) melalui isolator-isolator, dengan sistem tegangan tinggi.
- Standar tegangan tinggi yang berlaku di Indonesia adalah : 30 KV, 70 KV dan 150 KV.
Tap Changer (Perubah Tap) Pada Transformator

Untuk memenuhi kualitas tegangan pelayanan sesuai kebutuhan konsumen (PLN Distribusi), tegangan keluaran (sekunder) transformator harus dapat dirubah sesuai keinginan. Untuk memenuhi hal tersebut, maka pada salah satu atau pada kedua sisi belitan transformator dibuat tap (penyadap) untuk merubah perbandingan transformasi (rasio) trafo.
Tegangan Transmisi dan Rugi-Rugi Daya
Artikel kali ini dibuat sebagai pelengkap dari artikel-artikel sebelumnya yang membahas mengenai sistem tenaga listrik. dan seperti telah kita ketahui bahwa suatu sistem tenaga listrik terdiri dari: pusat pembangkit listrik, saluran transmisi, saluran distribusi dan beban. pada saat sistem tersebut beroperasi, maka pada sub-sistem transmisi akan terjadi rugi-rugi daya. Jika tegangan transmisi adalah arus bolak-balik (alternating current, AC) 3 fase, maka besarnya rugi-rugi daya tersebut adalah:
ΔPt = 3I^2R (watt)…….(1)
I = arus jala-jala transmisi (ampere)
R = Tahanan kawat transmisi perfasa (ohm)
ΔPt = 3I^2R (watt)…….(1)
I = arus jala-jala transmisi (ampere)
R = Tahanan kawat transmisi perfasa (ohm)
Konsep Energi dan Daya Listrik
Energi Listrik
Energi listrik merupakan suatu bentuk energi yang berasal dari sumber arus. Energi listrik dapat diubah menjadi bentuk lain, misalnya:
• Energi listrik menjadi energi kalor / panas, contoh: seterika, solder, dan kompor listrik.
• Energi listrik menjadi energi cahaya, contoh: lampu.
• Energi listrik menjadi energi mekanik, contoh: motor listrik.
• Energi listrik menjadi energi kimia, contoh: peristiwa pengisian accu, peristiwa penyepuhan (peristiwa melapisi logam dengan logam lain).
Jika arus listrik mengalir pada suatu penghantar yang berhambatan R, maka sumber arus akan mengeluarkan energi pada penghantar yang bergantung pada:
• Beda potensial pada ujung-ujung penghantar (V).
• Kuat arus yang mengalir pada penghantar (i).
• Waktu atau lamanya arus mengalir (t).
• Energi listrik menjadi energi kalor / panas, contoh: seterika, solder, dan kompor listrik.
• Energi listrik menjadi energi cahaya, contoh: lampu.
• Energi listrik menjadi energi mekanik, contoh: motor listrik.
• Energi listrik menjadi energi kimia, contoh: peristiwa pengisian accu, peristiwa penyepuhan (peristiwa melapisi logam dengan logam lain).
Jika arus listrik mengalir pada suatu penghantar yang berhambatan R, maka sumber arus akan mengeluarkan energi pada penghantar yang bergantung pada:
• Beda potensial pada ujung-ujung penghantar (V).
• Kuat arus yang mengalir pada penghantar (i).
• Waktu atau lamanya arus mengalir (t).
Sistem 3 Fasa
Pada sistem tenaga listrik 3 fase, idealnya daya listrik yang dibangkitkan, disalurkan dan diserap oleh beban semuanya seimbang, P pembangkitan = P pemakain, dan juga pada tegangan yang seimbang. Pada tegangan yang seimbang terdiri dari tegangan 1 fase yang mempunyai magnitude dan frekuensi yang sama tetapi antara 1 fase dengan yang lainnya mempunyai beda fase sebesar 120°listrik, sedangkan secara fisik mempunyai perbedaan sebesar 60°, dan dapat dihubungkan secara bintang (Y, wye) atau segitiga (delta, Δ, D).

Gambar 1. sistem 3 fase.
Gambar 1 menunjukkan fasor diagram dari tegangan fase. Bila fasor-fasor tegangan tersebut berputar dengan kecepatan sudut dan dengan arah berlawanan jarum jam (arah positif), maka nilai maksimum positif dari fase terjadi berturut-turut untuk fase V1, V2 dan V3. sistem 3 fase ini dikenal sebagai sistem yang mempunyai urutan fasa a – b – c . sistem tegangan 3 fase dibangkitkan oleh generator sinkron 3 fase.

Gambar 1. sistem 3 fase.
Gambar 1 menunjukkan fasor diagram dari tegangan fase. Bila fasor-fasor tegangan tersebut berputar dengan kecepatan sudut dan dengan arah berlawanan jarum jam (arah positif), maka nilai maksimum positif dari fase terjadi berturut-turut untuk fase V1, V2 dan V3. sistem 3 fase ini dikenal sebagai sistem yang mempunyai urutan fasa a – b – c . sistem tegangan 3 fase dibangkitkan oleh generator sinkron 3 fase.
Fenomena Frekwensi Listrik
Berbicara mengenai frekwensi listrik tidak lepas dari analisa dari pembangkit listrik/generator, karena sumbernya dari situ. Bagi yg non electrical yg masih kurang faham apa itu frekwensi saya coba kasih gambaran disini.
Frekwensi sebenarnya adalah karakteristik dari tegangan yg dihasilkan oleh generator. Jadi kalau dikatakan frekwensi 50 hz, maksudnya tegangan yg dihasilkan suatu generator berubah-ubah nilainya terhadap waktu, nilainya berubah secara berulang-ulang sebanyak 50 cycle setiap detiknya. jadi tegangan dari nilai nol ke nilai maksimum (+) kemudian nol lagi dan kemudian ke nilai maksimum tetapi arahnya berbalik (-) dan kemudian nol lagi dst (kalau digambarkan secara grafik akan membentuk gelombang sinusoidal) dan ini terjadi dalam waktu yg cepat sekali, 50 cycle dalam satu detik. Jadi kalau kita perhatikan beban listrik seperti lampu, sebenarnya sudah berulang kali tegangan nya hilang (alias nol) tapi karena terjadi dalam waktu yg sangat cepat maka lampu tersebut tetap hidup.
Teori Dasar Listrik
Artikel kali ini lebih saya tujukan kepada orang awam yang ingin mengenal dan mempelajari teknik listrik ataupun bagi mereka yang sudah berkecimpung di dalam teknik elektro untuk sekedar mengingat kembali teori-teori dasar listrik.
1. Arus Listrik
adalah mengalirnya elektron secara terus menerus dan berkesinambungan pada konduktor akibat perbedaan jumlah elektron pada beberapa lokasi yang jumlah elektronnya tidak sama. satuan arus listrik adalah Ampere.
Arus listrik bergerak dari terminal positif (+) ke terminal negatif (-), sedangkan aliran listrik dalam kawat logam terdiri dari aliran elektron yang bergerak dari terminal negatif (-) ke terminal positif(+), arah arus listrik dianggap berlawanan dengan arah gerakan elektron.
1. Arus Listrik
adalah mengalirnya elektron secara terus menerus dan berkesinambungan pada konduktor akibat perbedaan jumlah elektron pada beberapa lokasi yang jumlah elektronnya tidak sama. satuan arus listrik adalah Ampere.
Arus listrik bergerak dari terminal positif (+) ke terminal negatif (-), sedangkan aliran listrik dalam kawat logam terdiri dari aliran elektron yang bergerak dari terminal negatif (-) ke terminal positif(+), arah arus listrik dianggap berlawanan dengan arah gerakan elektron.
Gambar 1. Arah arus listrik dan arah gerakan elektron.
Perlengkapan Gardu Induk
Gardu induk merupakan suatu sistem Instalasi listrik yang terdiri dari beberapa perlengkapan peralatan listrik dan menjadi penghubung listrik dari jaringan transmisi ke jaringan distribusi perimer. Perlengkapan peralatan listrik tersebut antara lain:
1. Busbar atau Rel
Merupakan titik pertemuan/hubungan antara trafo-trafo tenaga, Saluran Udara TT, Saluran Kabel TT dan peralatan listrik lainnya untuk menerima dan menyalurkan tenaga listrik/daya listrik. Ada beberapa jenis konfigurasi busbar yang digunakan saat ini, antara lain:
- Sistem cincin atau ring, semua rel/busbar yang ada tersambung satu sama lain dan membentuk seperti ring/cicin.
1. Busbar atau Rel
Merupakan titik pertemuan/hubungan antara trafo-trafo tenaga, Saluran Udara TT, Saluran Kabel TT dan peralatan listrik lainnya untuk menerima dan menyalurkan tenaga listrik/daya listrik. Ada beberapa jenis konfigurasi busbar yang digunakan saat ini, antara lain:
- Sistem cincin atau ring, semua rel/busbar yang ada tersambung satu sama lain dan membentuk seperti ring/cicin.
gambar 1. Sistem Cincin atau ring
Strategi Operasi Sistem Tenaga Listrik
Energi listrik yang dipakai tentunya harus bersifat efisien, efektif, bermutu dan bisa diandalkan. Berarti dalam pembangkitan dan penyaluran energi itu harus dilakukan secara ekonomis dan rasional. Untuk mencapai tujuan itu ternyata dalam pengoperasiannya banyak kendala yang harus dihadapi, hal ini disebabkan karena timbulnya kejadian di sistem tenaga listrik (TL) yang bersifat random. Sedangkan kondisi operasi itu bisa berubah, kalau terjadi perubahan beban dan keluarnya peralatan jaringan pada sistem secara random. Hal ini tentunya akan menyebabkan terjadinya deviasi operasi. Untuk itulah perlu dilakukan persiapan operasi yang matang supaya deviasinya relatif kecil.
Sementara itu pada sistem TL yang bersifat dinamis perlu dilakukan prediksi operasi, hal ini untuk memberi gambaran kondisi operasi kepada operator. Kemudian dengan digunakannya teknik optimasi yang canggih pada pengoperasian sistem TL serta problem yang muncul dianalisa maka hasil yang dicapaipun semakin optimal. Sedangkan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana suatu sistem TL itu andal dan ekonomis, maka digunakanlah suatu alat ukur yang berfungsi sebagai dasar untuk mengadakan perincian. Alat ukur itu menggunakan metoda LOLP (Loss of Load Probability). Adapun alat ukur itu dipakai untuk menghitung alokasi energi, rencana pemeliharaan unit pembangkit dan neraca daya.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Parallel Distributed Computation of Power System Transient Stability Problems
Transient stability analysis, a necessary tool for planning and operating electrical power systems, is most time consuming to use because of its massive computational burden. Therefore, the solution of this problem on multiprocessor systems has attracted a lot of attention and holds the promise of eventual real-time dynamic security assessment.
In this idea, methods to speedup the computation of power systems transient stability simulations using parallel distributed processing are examined. The approach of the idea is twofold. Firstly, practical implementation must consider the idea is twofold. Firstly, practical implementation must consider the use of current widely available networked computer in the industry. Secondly, the parallel distributed algorithms to be developed in this idea must as far as possible retain algorithms to be developed in this idea must as far as possible retain algorithmic advances that have been made on its serial counterpart because of their many advantages.
Serial transient stability algorithms are studied and all major algorithmic advances are investigated and implemented. State-of-the-art parallel transient stability calculations are reviewed and for each algorithm the parallelism that has been exploited is identified. The choice of parallel processing hardware and software is of major concern to power utilities. These issues are discussed and justifications for using networked workstation are given.
Journal : Fuzzy Logic of Transient Stability
[1] K. Mansour, M. Maghsoud, N. Daryoosh, and T. Behrouz, "Transient Stability Enhancement by DSSC with Fuzzy Supplementary Controller," Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 415-422, Sept.2010.
Abstract: The distributed flexible alternative current transmission system (D-FACTS) is a recently developed FACTS technology. Distributed Static Series Compensator (DSSC) is one example of D-FACTS devices. DSSC functions in the same way as a Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC), but is smaller in size, lower in price, and possesses more capabilities. Likewise, DSSC lies in transmission lines in a distributed manner. In this work, we designed a fuzzy logic controller to use the DSSC for enhancing transient stability in a two-machine, two-area power system. The parameters of the fuzzy logic controller are varied widely by a suitable choice of membership function and parameters in the rule base. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the fuzzy controller for transient stability enhancement by DSSC
Abstract: The distributed flexible alternative current transmission system (D-FACTS) is a recently developed FACTS technology. Distributed Static Series Compensator (DSSC) is one example of D-FACTS devices. DSSC functions in the same way as a Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC), but is smaller in size, lower in price, and possesses more capabilities. Likewise, DSSC lies in transmission lines in a distributed manner. In this work, we designed a fuzzy logic controller to use the DSSC for enhancing transient stability in a two-machine, two-area power system. The parameters of the fuzzy logic controller are varied widely by a suitable choice of membership function and parameters in the rule base. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the fuzzy controller for transient stability enhancement by DSSC
[2] N. Karpagam, D. Devaraj, and P. Subbaraj, "Improved fuzzy logic controller for SVC in power system damping using global signals," Electrical Engineering, vol. 91, no. 7, pp. 395-404, Mar.2010.
Abstract: Static Var Compensator (SVC) is a shunt-type FACTS device, which is used in power systems primarily for the purpose of voltage and reactive power control. In this paper, an improved fuzzy logic-based supplementary controller for SVC is developed for damping the rotor angle oscillations and to improve the stability of the power system. The generator speed and the electrical power are chosen as global input signals for the proposed fuzzy logic controller (FLC). The effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed control is demonstrated with single-machine infinite bus (SMIB) system, three-machine nine-bus WSCC system and New England 10-machine system, which shows the improvement over the use of a fixed parameter controller and existing FLC
Abstract: Static Var Compensator (SVC) is a shunt-type FACTS device, which is used in power systems primarily for the purpose of voltage and reactive power control. In this paper, an improved fuzzy logic-based supplementary controller for SVC is developed for damping the rotor angle oscillations and to improve the stability of the power system. The generator speed and the electrical power are chosen as global input signals for the proposed fuzzy logic controller (FLC). The effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed control is demonstrated with single-machine infinite bus (SMIB) system, three-machine nine-bus WSCC system and New England 10-machine system, which shows the improvement over the use of a fixed parameter controller and existing FLC
Journal : Simulated Annealing (SA) of Transient Stability
[1] A. Ajami and H. Asadzadeh, "AIPSO-SA Based Approach for Power System Oscillation Damping with STATCOM," International Review of Electrical Engineering-Iree, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 1138-1150, May2010.
Abstract: Power system dynamic stability enhancement by STATCOM-based stabilizers is thoroughly investigated in this paper. This study presents singular value decomposition (SVD) based approach to assess and measure the controllability of the poorly damped electromechanical modes by STATCOM different control signals. The supplementary controller of STATCOM to damping the low frequency oscillation in a weakly connected system is presented. Individual designs of the STATCOM controller using adaptive improved particle swarm optimization hybrid with simulated annealing (AIPSO-SA) are discussed. In this paper, the STATCOM-based controllers' parameters are optimized over a wide range of operating conditions and system parameter uncertainties (multi point tuning) in order to have robust stabilizers. The effectiveness of proposed controller on enhancing dynamic stability is tested through eigen value analysis and time domain simulation. Also nonlinear and electrical simulation results show the validity and effectiveness of the proposed control schemes over a wide range of loading conditions. It is also observed that the proposed STATCOM-based damping stabilizers enhance greatly the power system transient stability.
Abstract: Power system dynamic stability enhancement by STATCOM-based stabilizers is thoroughly investigated in this paper. This study presents singular value decomposition (SVD) based approach to assess and measure the controllability of the poorly damped electromechanical modes by STATCOM different control signals. The supplementary controller of STATCOM to damping the low frequency oscillation in a weakly connected system is presented. Individual designs of the STATCOM controller using adaptive improved particle swarm optimization hybrid with simulated annealing (AIPSO-SA) are discussed. In this paper, the STATCOM-based controllers' parameters are optimized over a wide range of operating conditions and system parameter uncertainties (multi point tuning) in order to have robust stabilizers. The effectiveness of proposed controller on enhancing dynamic stability is tested through eigen value analysis and time domain simulation. Also nonlinear and electrical simulation results show the validity and effectiveness of the proposed control schemes over a wide range of loading conditions. It is also observed that the proposed STATCOM-based damping stabilizers enhance greatly the power system transient stability.
Journal : Genetic Algorithm (GA) of Transient Stability
[1] S. Panda, "Multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for SSSC-based controller design," Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 79, no. 6, pp. 937-944, June2009.
Abstract: In this paper, an evolutionary multi-objective optimization approach is employed to design a static synchronous series compensator (SSSC)-based controller. The design objective is to improve the transient performance of a power system subjected to a severe disturbance by damping the multi-modal oscillations namely; local mode, inter-area mode and inter-plant mode. A genetic algorithm (GA)-based solution technique is applied to generate a Pareto set of global optimal solutions to the given multi-objective optimization problem. Further, a fuzzy-based membership value assignment method is employed to choose the best compromise solution from the obtained Pareto solution set. Simulation results are presented and compared with a PI controller under various disturbances namely; three-phase fault, line outage, loss of load and unbalanced faults to show the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed approach.
Abstract: In this paper, an evolutionary multi-objective optimization approach is employed to design a static synchronous series compensator (SSSC)-based controller. The design objective is to improve the transient performance of a power system subjected to a severe disturbance by damping the multi-modal oscillations namely; local mode, inter-area mode and inter-plant mode. A genetic algorithm (GA)-based solution technique is applied to generate a Pareto set of global optimal solutions to the given multi-objective optimization problem. Further, a fuzzy-based membership value assignment method is employed to choose the best compromise solution from the obtained Pareto solution set. Simulation results are presented and compared with a PI controller under various disturbances namely; three-phase fault, line outage, loss of load and unbalanced faults to show the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed approach.
[2] K. Sebaa and M. Boudour, "Optimal locations and tuning of robust power system stabilizer using genetic algorithms," Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 79, no. 2, pp. 406-416, Feb.2009.
Abstract: Optimal locations and design of robust multimachine power system stabilizers (PSSs) using genetic algorithms (GA) is presented in this paper. The PSS parameters and locations are computed to assure maximum damping performance under different operating conditions. The efficacy of this technique in damping local and inter-area modes of oscillations in multimachine power systems is confirmed through nonlinear simulation results and eigenvalues analysis.
Abstract: Optimal locations and design of robust multimachine power system stabilizers (PSSs) using genetic algorithms (GA) is presented in this paper. The PSS parameters and locations are computed to assure maximum damping performance under different operating conditions. The efficacy of this technique in damping local and inter-area modes of oscillations in multimachine power systems is confirmed through nonlinear simulation results and eigenvalues analysis.
Journal : Neural Network (NN) of Transient Stability
[1] S. Mehraeen, S. Jagannathan, and M. L. Crow, "Novel Dynamic Representation and Control of Power Systems With FACTS Devices," Ieee Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 1542-1554, Aug.2010.
Abstract: FACTS devices have been shown to be useful in damping power system oscillations. However, in large power systems, the FACTS control design is complex due to the combination of differential and algebraic equations required to model the power system. In this paper, a new method to generate a nonlinear dynamic representation of the power network is introduced to enable more sophisticated control design. Once the new representation is obtained, a back stepping methodology for the UPFC is utilized to mitigate the generator oscillations. Finally, the neural network approximation property is utilized to relax the need for knowledge of the power system topology and to approximate the nonlinear uncertainties. The net result is a power system representation that can be used for the design of an enhanced FACTS control scheme. Simulation results are given to validate the theoretical conjectures
Abstract: FACTS devices have been shown to be useful in damping power system oscillations. However, in large power systems, the FACTS control design is complex due to the combination of differential and algebraic equations required to model the power system. In this paper, a new method to generate a nonlinear dynamic representation of the power network is introduced to enable more sophisticated control design. Once the new representation is obtained, a back stepping methodology for the UPFC is utilized to mitigate the generator oscillations. Finally, the neural network approximation property is utilized to relax the need for knowledge of the power system topology and to approximate the nonlinear uncertainties. The net result is a power system representation that can be used for the design of an enhanced FACTS control scheme. Simulation results are given to validate the theoretical conjectures
[2] S. C. Marchiori, M. D. G. da Silveira, A. D. P. Lotufo, C. R. Minussi, and M. L. M. Lopes, "Neural network based on adaptive resonance theory with continuous training for multi-configuration transient stability analysis of electric power systems," Applied Soft Computing, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 706-715, Jan.2011.
Abstract: This work presents a methodology to analyze electric power systems transient stability for first swing using a neural network based on adaptive resonance theory (ART) architecture, called Euclidean ARTMAP neural network. The ART architectures present plasticity and stability characteristics, which are very important for the training and to execute the analysis in a fast way. The Euclidean ARTMAP version provides more accurate and faster solutions, when compared to the fuzzy ARTMAP configuration. Three steps are necessary for the network working, training, analysis and continuous training. The training step requires much effort (processing) while the analysis is effectuated almost without computational effort. The proposed network allows approaching several topologies of the electric system at the same time; therefore it is an alternative for real time transient stability of electric power systems. To illustrate the proposed neural network an application is presented for a multi-machine electric power systems composed of 10 synchronous machines, 45 buses and 73 transmission lines.
Abstract: This work presents a methodology to analyze electric power systems transient stability for first swing using a neural network based on adaptive resonance theory (ART) architecture, called Euclidean ARTMAP neural network. The ART architectures present plasticity and stability characteristics, which are very important for the training and to execute the analysis in a fast way. The Euclidean ARTMAP version provides more accurate and faster solutions, when compared to the fuzzy ARTMAP configuration. Three steps are necessary for the network working, training, analysis and continuous training. The training step requires much effort (processing) while the analysis is effectuated almost without computational effort. The proposed network allows approaching several topologies of the electric system at the same time; therefore it is an alternative for real time transient stability of electric power systems. To illustrate the proposed neural network an application is presented for a multi-machine electric power systems composed of 10 synchronous machines, 45 buses and 73 transmission lines.
Journal : Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) of Transient Stability
[1] H. Shayeghi, A. Safari, and H. A. Shayanfar, "PSS and TCSC damping controller coordinated design using PSO in multi-machine power system," Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 51, no. 12, pp. 2930-2937, Dec.2010.
Abstract: The paper develops a new design procedure for simultaneous coordinated designing of the thyristor controlled series capacitor (TCSC) damping controller and power system stabilizer (PSS) in multi-machine power system. The coordinated design problem of PSS and TCSC damping controllers over a wide range of loading conditions is converted to an optimization problem with the time domain-based objective function that is solved by a particle swarm optimization (PSO) technique which has a strong ability to find the most optimistic results. By minimizing the proposed fitness function in which oscillatory characteristics between areas are included and thus the interactions among the TCSC controller and PSS under transient conditions in the multi-machine power system are improved. To ensure the robustness of the proposed stabilizers, the design process takes a wide range of operating conditions into account. The effectiveness of the proposed controller is demonstrated through the nonlinear time-domain simulation and some performance indices studies. The results of these studies show that the proposed coordinated controllers have an excellent capability in damping power system inter-area oscillations and enhance greatly the dynamic stability of the power system. Moreover, it is superior to both the uncoordinated designed stabilizers of the PSS and the TCSC damping controller.
Abstract: The paper develops a new design procedure for simultaneous coordinated designing of the thyristor controlled series capacitor (TCSC) damping controller and power system stabilizer (PSS) in multi-machine power system. The coordinated design problem of PSS and TCSC damping controllers over a wide range of loading conditions is converted to an optimization problem with the time domain-based objective function that is solved by a particle swarm optimization (PSO) technique which has a strong ability to find the most optimistic results. By minimizing the proposed fitness function in which oscillatory characteristics between areas are included and thus the interactions among the TCSC controller and PSS under transient conditions in the multi-machine power system are improved. To ensure the robustness of the proposed stabilizers, the design process takes a wide range of operating conditions into account. The effectiveness of the proposed controller is demonstrated through the nonlinear time-domain simulation and some performance indices studies. The results of these studies show that the proposed coordinated controllers have an excellent capability in damping power system inter-area oscillations and enhance greatly the dynamic stability of the power system. Moreover, it is superior to both the uncoordinated designed stabilizers of the PSS and the TCSC damping controller.
Computational Intelligence in Power Engineering
Computational Intelligence (CI) is one of the most important powerful tools for research in the diverse fields of engineering sciences ranging from traditional fields of civil, mechanical engineering to vast sections of electrical, electronics and computer engineering and above all the biological and pharmaceutical sciences. The existing field has its origin in the functioning of the human brain in processing information, recognizing pattern, learning from observations and experiments, storing and retrieving information from memory, etc. In particular, the power industry being on the verge of epoch changing due to deregulation, the power engineers require Computational intelligence tools for proper planning, operation and control of the power system.
Most of the CI tools are suitably formulated as some sort of optimization or decision making problems. These CI techniques provide the power utilities with innovative solutions for efficient analysis, optimal operation and control and intelligent decision making. Due to the nonlinear, interconnected and complex nature of Power System networks and the proliferation of power electronics devices (STATCOM, UPFC, TCSC etc), the CI techniques become the promising candidates for optimal planning, intelligent operation and automatic control of the power system. Neural Network (NN), Fuzzy logic (FL) as well as the derivative free optimization techniques like Genetic Algorithm (GA), Simulated Annealing (SA) and the Swarm Intelligence (SI) techniques like Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) play an important role in power industry for decision-making, modeling, and control problems. Due to the nonlinear nature of Power System networks and industrial electric systems (FACTS, HVDC etc), fuzzy logic and neural networks are promising candidates for planning, fault detection, automatic control, system identification, load and load/weather forecasting, etc. Distribution system routing and loss minimization are dealt with effectively using evolutionary algorithms and Swarm intelligence techniques.
Most of the CI tools are suitably formulated as some sort of optimization or decision making problems. These CI techniques provide the power utilities with innovative solutions for efficient analysis, optimal operation and control and intelligent decision making. Due to the nonlinear, interconnected and complex nature of Power System networks and the proliferation of power electronics devices (STATCOM, UPFC, TCSC etc), the CI techniques become the promising candidates for optimal planning, intelligent operation and automatic control of the power system. Neural Network (NN), Fuzzy logic (FL) as well as the derivative free optimization techniques like Genetic Algorithm (GA), Simulated Annealing (SA) and the Swarm Intelligence (SI) techniques like Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) play an important role in power industry for decision-making, modeling, and control problems. Due to the nonlinear nature of Power System networks and industrial electric systems (FACTS, HVDC etc), fuzzy logic and neural networks are promising candidates for planning, fault detection, automatic control, system identification, load and load/weather forecasting, etc. Distribution system routing and loss minimization are dealt with effectively using evolutionary algorithms and Swarm intelligence techniques.
Bjaya Ketan Panigrahi, IIT Delhi, India
Pengantar Kestabilan Sistem Tenaga Listrik
Sistem tenaga listrik secara umum terdiri dari unit-unit pembangkit yang terhubung dengan saluran untuk melayani beban. Sistem tenaga listrik yang memiliki banyak mesin biasanya menyalurkan daya ke beban melalui saluran interkoneksi. Tujuan utama dari sistem saluran interkoneksi adalah untuk menjaga kontinuitas dan ketersediaan tenaga listrik terhadap kebutuhan beban yang terus meningkat. Semakin berkembang sistem tenaga listrik dapat mengakibatkan lemahnya performansi sistem ketika mengalami gangguan. Salah satu efek gangguan adalah osilasi elektromekanik yang jika tidak diredam dengan baik maka sistem akan terganggu dan dapat keluar dari area kestabilannya sehingga mengakibatkan pengaruh yang lebih buruk seperti pemadaman total (black out).
Friday, November 26, 2010
Tegangan Sistem Tenaga Listrik
Tegangan ialah perbedaan potensial listrik antara dua titik dalam rangkaian listrik, dan dinyatakan dalam satuan Volt.
Pengendalian Tegangan diperlukan untuk menghindari kerusakan peralatan yang terhubung ke jaringan transmisi, baik oleh tegangan yang terlalu rendah maupun yang terlalu tinggi, serta untuk menjamin bahwa tegangan disisi pelanggan berada dalam tingkat yang dapat diterima. Selain itu, ketidakseimbangan tegangan harus dikendalikan pula untuk memberi pelayanan yang memuaskan ke pelanggan. (Sumber: Aturan Jaringan Sistem Tenaga Listrik Sulawesi: 2008:59).
Sistem Ketenagalistrikan
Sistem ketenagalistrikan adalah sekumpulan pusat listrik dan gardu induk (pusat beban) yang satu sama lain dihubungkan oleh jaringan transmisi sehingga merupakan sebuah kesatuan interkoneksi.
- Sistem Pembangkitan
- Sistem Transmisi
- Sistem Distribusi
Sistem Pembangkitan
Sistem pembangkitan terdiri dari sejumlah unit-unit pembangkit yang umumnya tersebar luas pada daerah pelayanan interkoneksi jaringan sistem tenaga listrik. Stasiun pembangkit umumnya terdiri lebih dari satu unit pembangkit tergantung dari kebutuhannya dan sarana infrastruktur yang dibutuhkan untuk mendukung pengoperasian sistem-sistem tersebut. Berdasarkan masukan energi primer, pembangkit dapat dibedakan menjadi berbagai jenis seperti Pusat Pembangkitan Listrik Tenaga Diesel (PLTD), Pusat Pembangkitan Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU), Pusat Pembangkitan Listrik Tenaga Air (PLTA), Pusat Pembangkitan Listrik Tenaga Panas Bumi (PLTP).
Sistem Transmisi
Merupakan proses penyaluran tenaga listrik dari pembangkit tenaga listrik hingga distribusi listrik sehingga dapat disalurkan pada konsumen pengguna listrik.
Adapun fungsi dari transmisi yaitu :
- Menyalurkan energi listrik dari pembangkit listrik ke gardu induk
- Menyalurkan energi listrik dari satu gardu induk ke gardu induk lainnya.
- Dari gardu induk ke jaringan tegangan menengah dan gardu distribusi.
Sistem Distribusi
Bagian dari sistem tenaga listrik yang paling dekat dengan pelanggan adalah sistem distribusi. Sistem Distibusi adalah bagian sistem tenaga listrik yang paling banyak mengalami gangguan, sehingga masalah utama dalam operasi sistem distribusi adalah mengatasi gangguan.
Karena jumlah gangguan dalam sistem distribusi relatif banyak dibandingkan dengan jumlah gangguan pada bagian sistem yang lain. Disamping itu masalah tegangan, bagian-bagian instalasi yang berbeban lebih dan rugi-rugi daya dalam jaringan merupakan masalah yang perlu dicatat dan dianalisa secara terus-menerus, untuk dijadikan masukan bagi perencanaan pengembangan sistem dan juga untuk melakukan tindakan-tindakan penyempurnaan pemeliharaan dan penyempurnaan operasi sistem distribusi. (sumber: Djiteng Marsudi : 2006 : 14).
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